[DATE UPDATE - 11-Dec-2024 09:58:02 GMT+08:00] Gold 999 - RM418.49 per gram | Gold 916 - RM383.61 per gram | Gold 875 - RM366.17 per gram | Gold 835 - RM348.74 per gram | Gold 750 - RM313.86 per gram

Current and Historical Prices of Gold

Current and Historical Prices of Gold
2 September, 2023
Investors should commence their analysis by examining the current spot price of gold, representing its immediate buying and selling value. The spot price is typically quoted for one unit of gold, be it an ounce, gram, or kilo. As an illustration, as of the close of business on Monday, June 7, 2021, the spot price of gold stood at $1,903.00 per ounce, $61.18 per gram, and $61,181.45 per kilogram.

When delving into historical gold price data, one can observe a substantial surge in gold prices during the 2000s. In 2008, gold exhibited price fluctuations, ranging from approximately $720 per ounce to over $1,000 per ounce. As the global economy spiraled deeper into recession, gold prices experienced a remarkable upswing, reaching around $1,895 in 2011, primarily due to heightened investor sentiment and demand. By April 2020, gold prices had tapered slightly from their levels nearly a decade earlier but continued to demonstrate resilience in the face of economic adversity.

A similar pattern unfolded in the late 1970s. Following a surge in prices during that decade, gold entered a prolonged period of declining value before rebounding around the year 2000. During the pandemic crisis, there was a surge in demand for gold, leading to an increase in its price. At that juncture, investors faced uncertainty regarding whether this upward trend would persist, or if gold prices might once again stagnate for an extended period. During such periods of stagnation, gold investments typically do not yield any interest or dividends.