[DATE UPDATE - 11-Dec-2024 09:58:02 GMT+08:00] Gold 999 - RM418.49 per gram | Gold 916 - RM383.61 per gram | Gold 875 - RM366.17 per gram | Gold 835 - RM348.74 per gram | Gold 750 - RM313.86 per gram

10 Reasons to Invest in Gold

10 Reasons to Invest in Gold
17 October, 2022
Ten Compelling Reasons to Include Gold in Your Investment Portfolio

1. Gold Is True Wealth: While gold is no longer used as a currency in everyday transactions, it boasts a remarkable history as a form of money that predates all modern currencies. Gold has upheld its value for over 3,000 years, surpassing even some of the oldest currencies like the British Pound Sterling, which is approximately 1,200 years old. Its reliability as a long-term store of value is unparalleled, as demonstrated by its superior performance compared to major government currencies since 1900.

2. Gold Is Insolvency-Proof: Gold does not rely on paper contracts, intermediaries, or third parties to maintain its value. It stands alone as a financial asset, not encumbered by liabilities to other entities. This quality makes gold resilient during market bubbles and crises, ensuring it retains its worth when other assets falter. Gold has never become worthless throughout its millennia-long history.

3. Gold Shields Against Inflation: Gold serves as a traditional hedge against inflation, preserving its value as fiat currencies weaken in the face of rising inflation. While most major currencies have depreciated relative to gold over the long term, gold prices have surged in recent years. In regions where inflation outpaces interest rates, like India, gold remains a favored choice for investors due to its real rate of return.

4. Gold Is Tangible: Gold's tangibility provides investors with a sense of security. Compared to other tangible assets such as real estate, acquiring gold is relatively straightforward. Additionally, gold is immune to digital threats like hacking, which can affect digital assets.

5. Gold Is Highly Liquid: Gold is easily sold and portable, allowing it to be carried conveniently. Its high liquidity means it can be sold for cash or exchanged for goods with ease, often quicker than selling stocks in a brokerage account. Gold's versatility means it can be sold to jewelry dealers, coin shops, pawn shops, private buyers, or online dealers, providing a hassle-free experience.

6. Gold Requires No Specialized Knowledge: Investing in gold requires no specialized skills, knowledge, or equipment. Unlike many other investments that may necessitate complex analysis, gold investment is straightforward. Buyers need not engage in continuous chart analysis or trust trading bots. Purchasing gold is uncomplicated.

7. Gold Offers Protection: Gold's strength lies in its ability to safeguard investments and maintain one's standard of living during economic, monetary, or geopolitical crises. In times of financial distress, gold is a reliable refuge and can transition from a defensive asset to a profitable one.

8. Portfolio Diversification: Economists recognize gold as a valuable portfolio diversifier due to its low correlation with other major asset classes. It has shown an inverse correlation with equities during periods of stock market stress, reducing portfolio volatility and risk.

9. Risk Reduction and Wealth Creation: Gold offers dual benefits of risk reduction and wealth creation. Even without crises or geopolitical tensions, gold provides steady long-term returns. In times of economic or political upheaval, gold acts as a hedge against equity losses.

10. Currency Value Protection: In the event of a significant decline in a local currency due to macroeconomic factors, gold acts as a financial cushion. Gold prices in local currency terms often remain resilient even during currency devaluations.

In conclusion, gold's unique qualities make it a highly sought-after metal and an attractive investment option. As paper investments decline, gold's value tends to rise, making it a valuable addition to diversify your investment portfolio. While gold prices can exhibit short-term volatility, they have consistently preserved their value in the long term. If you plan to invest in gold, consider it a long-term endeavor. Investing in gold is a prudent choice worth exploring. Happy investing!